Hitachi / Action Movie

Hitachi wanted to highlight the 'actions' they're taking to fight climate change. So why not an 'action movie' we thought, but without the guns, car chases or explosions? Welcome to the least thrilling (but most important!) action movie ever.  


Hitachi Europe / Racing To Zero

Can you make a film without any CO2 emissions at all? Given Hitachi were sponsoring COP26 we thought we should try. This film was narrated by Sir Sam Mendes and shown to world leaders at COP26 and beyond.


Radius USA / Surprised Dogs

What if dogs knew how important their dental health was? We think they'd be really surprised.

Less Mess Europe / Vacuum Sealed

Over indulged on Amazon during lockdown? Feeling suffocated by all that clutter and stuff? It's probably time to visit Less Mess Self Storage and breathe again.

Behind the scenes / The making of our ‘Vacuum Sealed’ campaign where we actually vacuum packed people with lots of objects. We only had 10 seconds to get each shot - such was the intense pressure inside.


GSK Global / Voltaren

Shouldn’t communications for the world’s leading body pain brand, help relieve pain too? The answer is, yes.



Toyota Europe / Safe & Sound App

Teens don’t care about driving safely, but they do care about looking cool. Parents don’t care about looking cool, but they do care about their teens driving safely. We built an app to help.